
Showing posts from October, 2018

NOAA / NASA are destroying Science by Data Tampering

NOAA / NASA are destroying Science by Tampering with the Data See how NOAA and NASA have been tampering with the Data to push an agenda that is costing the world Trillions of dollars in confiscated oil company assets and new taxes on energy, which is driving the cost of energy and transportation up. Dr. Patrick Michaels explains the corruption of Climate Science: Interview by Mark Levin Russian Climate models are more reliable than NASA and NOAA Article by Edmund and Best Service Discounts

This is Why CO2 is NOT a Greenhouse gas, the Earth is too cold for it to be

This is the Reason CO2 is not a Greenhouse gas As you can see from this Spectral chart of Absorption bands of the greenhouse gas family, CO2 can't be a greenhouse gas because the Earth is hundreds of degrees too cold. 1) As you can see in the Top chart the Blue Up-going Thermal infrared radiation from the Earth, which is based on the temperature of the Earth, too long or too short of a wavelength; for any of CO2's absorption bands to absorb as the Earth's heat is radiated up through the atmosphere.  Which would of been the Greenhouse gas effect. 2) As you can see there are only 3 major absorption bands for CO2 and all 3 miss the outgoing infrared radiation emitted by the Earth. 3) Because of the 8 major absorption bands of water vapor over riding most of the 3 CO2 absorption bands, only 1/2 of one absorption band near the 3um wavelength would of contributed to the greenhouse gas effect if there had been any infrared radiation in that part of the spectrum, but as...

Climate Data Clearly shows CO2 Follows Temperature making CO2 the effect, not the cause of Climate change

CO2 follows Temperature changes by 800 years  If their is a cause and effect relationship, cause will happen before effect Video by Paleoclimatologist Ian Clark Clearly all measured data every where using Ice Core data shows Temperatures rising 800 years before CO2 starts to rise, and when Temperatures fall, it still takes 800 years before CO2 Levels start to fall.  Remember in every case Cause must always happen before effect.  When was the last time the lights came in in the room before you flipped the switch? This is because of Henry's Law, which states warmer liquids give up their gases while colder liquids absorbed and dissolve gases more quickly.  This is why your warm can of Coke will explode up in your face if it is warm, and will do little of anything if it is cold.  The exact same thing happens with beer and the world's oceans. However, water has 4,036 times the thermal mass of what the air has, which means water is 4,036 t...

Untampered NOAA Data Clearly shows no warming for 58 years

NOAA Data Clearly shows no warming for 58 years Yet we are told the exact opposite by Popular Media and Academia Clearly NOAA can't be trusted with objective Climate research as they cherry pick the time period from which to present their case about Mann Made Climate Change. Remember in real science all scientific facts have no sacred Truth, all are open for challenge at anytime no matter how well proven or how flaky they might be.  Science is not a Democracy it is a dictatorship where the Observed and measured Scientific Facts are the dictators.  But always open for challenge based on newly discovered evidence and observations.

How higher taxes actually generates Lower Tax Revenue

That's right, Higher taxes can actually produced less tax revenues as history has played out to show that.  This is very clearly proven through the Laffer Curve.  Keep in mind that taxes are collected every-time money changes hands, and if it doesn't change hands because the average citizen is paying too much in taxes, you end up with less tax revenues regardless of what tax brackets are set too. Video is by  UCLA Professor of Economics Tim Groseclose Blog Article Published by Edmund Williams

Is America's progressive Tax Structure fair?

Is the Progressive tax Structure fair? The Progressive Tax Structure we have been forced upon by our Politicians actually hurts American Jobs and businesses, which encourages higher prices, higher unemployment, lower wages and salaries in addition to a Lower standard of living.  While the top 10% earn 24% of the income, but pay 70% of all taxes collected.  Dollars that could of been used to pay for new jobs with wages and salaries. Video is by  New York Times bestselling author Amity Shlaes through Prager Univesity. Article by Edmund Williams

A comprehensive Look at Real Climate Facts and Real Science

This is a Comprehensive Look and common sense doc about climate change There are some fundamental flaws behind the climate debate that rarely get discussed because of the political fallout it might have on Government policies. There are 10 Climate lies this video exposes, that are intended to rob us of our jobs, investments, retirements and future: 1) First off, 96% of all the species on Earth actually lives in the Tropics.  The Tropics are located between 23.5 degrees North Latitude to 23.5 Degrees South Latitude.  Which happens to be the warmest place on Earth.  This is where the sun on 1 day of the Year can be directly overhead, because the Earth's tilt is 23.5 degrees with respect to the sun. 2) Less than 0.1% of all species on Earth lives in the Arctic or Antarctic circles. 3) So it is a very clear observation that life on Earth prefers the warmer climate.  Which has the Greatest Diversity of Life?  The Antarctic or Brazil? 4) We are t...

The Great Global Warming Swindle (By Martin Derkin)

Common Sense 101:  The Great Global Warming Swindle This Fact Based Documentary called "The Great Global Warming Swindle" Exposes the real story behind the world's greatest scam that will suck at least $538 Trillion out of the world economies by the end of this century illegitimately, to finance ill gotten projects, for the expressed purpose of more World Control over energy product and energy costs directed more toward governments, and less towards those actually producing our energy needs. As you can see from the actual scientific data: 1) Temperatures changes always lead while CO2 always follows.  If there is a cause and effect relationship, cause will always happen before effect.  Clearly it is Temperatures that are driving CO2 levels, not the other way around.  As predicted by Henry's law. 2) Most of the world's CO2 is coming from the world's oceans, and since water has 4,036 times the thermal mass of air, the world's oceans are 4...