Even Al Gore's CO2 Graph proves Temperature always leads and CO2 follows

Al Gore Can't even Read his own Graph

The Top plot is CO2 and the Bottom Plot is Temperature

This plot was taken from Ice core samples from the Antarctic and provided for by Laurie David and presented by Al Gore in his Movie "An Inconvenient Truth".  The Top Plot is past CO2 Levels and the Bottom Plot is past temperature levels.  With a time period length of 640,000 years, so each data point represents about 1,000 years.  With the most distant past of 640,000 years on the Left, and the most current time on the right.  With time moving from left to right.

However it looks like Al Gore and Laurie David flunked Geometry 101, as their own Graph clearly shows that Temperature always rises (R) and Falls (F) before CO2 does, clearly illustrating that Temperature Leeds and CO2 follows.

Remember that if there is a cause and effect relationship, that cause will always happen before effect.  Just like we all know and understand that the lights in a room only come on after we flipped the switch, never before.  Yet there are other things that this graph shows, that blows all the Global Warming Alarmist theories out of the water, for Example:

1) Temperature always rises (R) and Falls (F) 800 years to thousands of years before CO2 Rises and Falls.  Clearly CO2 is following Temperature and therefore is an effect of temperature changes, not the cause of temperature changes.

2) We are told by global warming alarmist, like Al Gore and Laurie David, that it is hotter now than ever been before, yet as you can clearly see the 4 previous inter-glacial periods were all warmer than the current warmer Holocene Maximum and the Holocene Maximum was 6 to 8 degrees warmer than today's temperatures.

3) Notice inter-glacial period # 4 was many 10's of degrees warmer than the current 10,000 year inter-glacial period, and it was like that for 36,000 years.  And as you can clearly see the Antarctic Ice still goes back 640,000 years and didn't melt, but instead only got thicker.

4) Also notice that our current inter-glacial # 5 period trends are downward since the end of the Holocene Maximum that ended 3,000 years ago, while the CO2 levels are sky rocketing through the roof.  Clearly a higher amount of CO2 is not warming the planet.

5) All the data-points on this graph come from Ice Core Samples in the Antarctic, except the last data point at 380ppm, that data point comes from Maui Hawaii.  Again another misleading part of this graph where they mix data from the Antarctic with data from Hawaii, to create a fake rise in CO2 levels.  Keep in mind that the colder waters in the Antarctic absorbs more CO2 while warmer waters in Hawaii out-gases more CO2.   Just remember your experience with CO2 laced Coke, and how cold Coke doesn't out-gas like warm Coke does.  This is Explained by Henry's Law.   The CO2 Levels in the Antarctic are still < 270ppm, so they have mixed these 2 datasets to fabricate a rise in CO2 where there really is none.

6) The reason the CO2 lags behind Temperature is because the world's oceans contain the largest amounts of CO2 on the Earth that completely dwarf any Human sources, and since water has 4,036 times more thermal mass than the air, the water is 4,036 time slower at changing temperatures.   And you couple that with the fact the oceans are so incredibly deep and cover 70% of the Earth's surface, and you can clearly see why CO2 is always lagging behind Temperature.

7) Also take note that the Inter-glacial warm period on average only last about 10,000 years, while the Ice Ages on average last about 100,000 years.  So we are very fortunate to be living a the more rare warm period of the Climate record.

By Edmund Williams and Best Service Discounts at eBay


Luarie Davis
Al Gore
By the Internet Skeptic from Ohio State University


  1. Ian Clark, a real PaleoClimatologist has proven that Temperature Leeds while CO2 follows. And all other real Climatologist agree



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