Global Warming Alarmist say Global Warming has the Same Effects as Global Cooling Effects
Global Cooling has the same side effects as Global Warming?
The Global Warming Alarmist have been pushing Global Cooling until 30 years ago, now they are pushing Global Warming and predicting the exact same outcomes, if we don't submit to new and higher taxes along with draconian regulations on our fossil fuels; we are all doomed they claim.
1) 30 years ago they were telling us that sea level rise was caused by global cooling, now they are saying that global warming will cause sea level rise. So why fight Global Warming if the outcome is the same?
2) 30 years ago the Global Warming Alarmist were predicting violent weather caused by Global Cooling, and now with global Warming they are making the exact same predictions.
3) 30 years ago the Global Warming Alarmist were predicting more draughts caused by global cooling, and now they are telling us the same for Global Warming.
Does anyone still buy into the myth of Mann Made Climate Change?
Anyone willing to pay more to fill up your car or power your homes, to fight Climate change?
Anyone willing to loose money in your IRA investments from an over taxed crushed economy, to fight climate change?
Anyone prepared to live in the Stone age without any cars, planes, trains or electricity, to fight climate change?
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