What exactly is the Deep State
What Exactly is the Deep State, and why does it exist?
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This Video exposes what the Deep State is and who the players are behind the Deep State. As President Donald Trump keeps mentioning this Deep State.
1) The Deep State will Destroy any Politician that is not a Member of the Deep State, that is why there is such a wide spread hatred and Demonetization of President Trump, because he has called them out on who they are and what they have done.
2) Many #1 Best selling Authors have written books on the Deep State
3) The Deep State is a World Wide Shadow Government hell bent on a one world government, just as described in most Science Fiction books. Notice how in science fiction all the planets in the universe have a single one world Government? An other Brainwashing technique to get you used to the idea of a one world government that answers to no one, but themselves.
4) The Deep State is more like a Mafia Government that can and will resort to Assassinations and Wars to get their way without our consent.
By Edmund
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