The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels
The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels is the most serious under taking of our time. Video by Mathew Drake & Alex Epstein. The Moral Case for Fossil fuels is a serious decision not to be taken lightly, because difference is between 21st Centry standard of living, or stone age living with no cars, planes, trains, agriculture or food. ' Remember without fossil fuels there is: 1) No Agriculture, which means there is no food. 2) No transportation, no resources or time to explore the world. Vacations would be not only a waste of time, but could become a life threatening waste of time and resources. 3) A standard of living where you spend 100% of your waking day looking for food and water with 0% of the time left for what you really want to be doing. 4) We would be at the bottom of the food chain and subject to the whims of our predators, from beasts to disease. 5) No way of protecting us from Climate threats like blizzards, hurricanes and tornadoes. Ye...