
Showing posts from November, 2018

Global Warming Alarmist say Global Warming has the Same Effects as Global Cooling Effects

Global Cooling has the same side effects as Global Warming? The Global Warming Alarmist have been pushing Global Cooling until 30 years ago, now they are pushing Global Warming and predicting the exact same outcomes, if we don't submit to new and higher taxes along with draconian regulations on our fossil fuels; we are all doomed they claim. 1) 30 years ago they were telling us that sea level rise was caused by global cooling, now they are saying that global warming will cause sea level rise.  So why fight Global Warming if the outcome is the same? 2) 30 years ago the Global Warming Alarmist were predicting violent weather caused by Global Cooling, and now with global Warming they are making the exact same predictions. 3) 30 years ago the Global Warming Alarmist were predicting more draughts caused by global cooling, and now they are telling us the same for Global Warming. Does anyone still buy into the myth of Mann Made Climate Change? Anyone willing to ...

Earth is a True Volcano World

More Volcanoes erupt than get reported There can be anywhere from 39 to several hundred volcanoes seen erupting on the Earth's surface at any given moment, but this pails in comparison to those constantly erupting under the world's oceans. The World's oceans have been found to have more than 3.5 million volcanoes under the water that never get seen from the surface.  With 130,000 active and many thousands erupting at any given moment.  This is why our world's oceans are so incredibly salty. And remember that an erupting volcano can produce more CO2 every 15 minutes than all the CO2 man has produced since he invented fire. By Edmund

So What is wrong with Socialism?

Socialist and Communist Holocaust slaughtered more than 300 million people in the 20th Century. Learn how Socialism has destroyed more than 1 billion lives while slaughtering more than 300 million Lives in the 20th Century.  Remember that even NAZI's were socialist, because NAZI is derived from the German Term "National Socialazi", which means "National Socialist Party" in English. American's have been de-educated about the true Nature of Socialism and Communism for generations, and now find nothing wrong with Socialism, while the True Horrors of Socialism are hidden by Academia, Fake News Media and our Politicians.  Socialism has never worked, it destroys everything it touches.  And according to the World Hunger Association is also the top 3 reasons for starvation in the world. Remember that both Socialism and Communism are based on the Teachings of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto.  So there is really no difference between...

What exactly is the Deep State

What Exactly is the Deep State, and why does it exist? Click Here to Watch the Video This Video exposes what the Deep State is and who the players are behind the Deep State.  As President Donald Trump keeps mentioning this Deep State. 1) The Deep State will Destroy any Politician that is not a Member of the Deep State, that is why there is such a wide spread hatred and Demonetization of President Trump, because he has called them out on who they are and what they have done. 2) Many #1 Best selling Authors have written books on the Deep State 3) The Deep State is a World Wide Shadow Government hell bent on a one world government, just as described in most Science Fiction books.  Notice how in science fiction all the planets in the universe have a single one world Government?  An other Brainwashing technique to get you used to the idea of a one world government that answers to no one, but themselves. 4) The Deep State is more like a Mafia Government that can a...

Is the Global Climate Record Reliable?

Is the Global Climate Record Reliable With NASA Cooking the books? Video by:  Tony Heller Every Year since 1940 has been manipulated every few years by NASA to change what the actual  measurements were to what NASA publishes.  New NASA temperature levels disagrees with past NASA temperature levels. Clearly NASA is cooking the books to prop up their fake Mann Made Global Warming.  As observations better support NASA's older data than revised newer NASA Measurements. To confirm what is really going on, one just closely examine historical records of what was happening in recorded weather events. Even all the remaining 49 NASA Lunar Mission Employees and Astronauts have asked NASA to stop corrupting their research. By Edmund and Best Service Discounts on eBay

Even Al Gore's CO2 Graph proves Temperature always leads and CO2 follows

Al Gore Can't even Read his own Graph The Top plot is CO2 and the Bottom Plot is Temperature This plot was taken from Ice core samples from the Antarctic and provided for by Laurie David and presented by Al Gore in his Movie "An Inconvenient Truth".  The Top Plot is past CO2 Levels and the Bottom Plot is past temperature levels.  With a time period length of 640,000 years, so each data point represents about 1,000 years.  With the most distant past of 640,000 years on the Left, and the most current time on the right.  With time moving from left to right. However it looks like Al Gore and Laurie David flunked Geometry 101, as their own Graph clearly shows that Temperature always rises (R) and Falls (F) before CO2 does, clearly illustrating that Temperature Leeds and CO2 follows. Remember that if there is a cause and effect relationship, that cause will always happen before effect.  Just like we all know and understand that the lights in a room o...